Monday, July 12, 2010

ok... here's one of my artpiece :-)

it's not that good. need more practice and time. the picture Idrew it from is below.

*i do not own this one.

Saturday, July 10, 2010

HOME =) you can't afford to not love it


simple tools :). this is just about all i have for now. planning to further add to the family of drawing equipments. thinking of charcoal and wooden pencils, colours, perhaps :)

NEVER had enough time (or, probably enough drive) to pursue this passion of mine. I've been working on polishing my drawing skills. since i have all the free time i want in this holiday, might as well gain something from it. maybe i'll post some later, after i get better at it. now they still hasn't any showable value. haha. to show how enthusiastic i am about this, i even joined a forum for artists (as in people who draw as oppose to people who sing and act)/artist-wannabees, which i'm quite sure will be out of my mind by the time i finish writing this post.
Some of the books i plan to read :). probably i won't finish all of them, but there's no harm in dreaming big...
I'VE been throwing away most of my time playing DotA earlier in the holidays, now i've no more interest whatsoever to play it. it gets pretty boring after a while. so i'm actually picking up books to read =). how cool it that. i've been longing to not have to read book day in and day out during term time, but ended up with books, still, in the holidays @_@


you can just about see the malicious intent in his eyes :)

AND, lastly, Kabu (the notoriously naughty ball of fur) managed to once again help himself to destroy, for the umphteenth of time, another mouse. :). he'd already rendered the Wii sensor useless during my stay at home. very productive now, keep it up "lil' kitty" :).

ok, need to sleeep now :)

Sunday, July 4, 2010

Wasiat Abu 'Ubadah

Sebelum kematiannya Abu ‘Ubaidah berwasiat kepada seluruh prajuritnya:

“Saya berwasiat kepada Anda sekalin. Jika wasiat ini kalian terima dan laksanakan, kalian tidak akan sesat dari jalan yang baik, dan senantiasa berada dalam bahagia.

“Tetaplah menegakkan shalat. Laksanakan puasa Ramadhan. Bayar sedekah (zakat). Tunaikan ibadah haji dan ‘umrah. Hendaklah kalian saling menasihati sesama ka lian. Nasihati pemerintah kalian, jangan dibiarkan mereka tersesat. Dan janganlah kalian tergoda oleh dunia.

Walaupun seseorang bisa berusia panjang sampai senibu tahun, namun akhinnya dia akan menjumpai kematian seperti yang kalian saksikan ini.

“Wassalamu’alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh…”

snatched from:

Friday, July 2, 2010


Syukur kerana Allah permudahkan urusanku dalam pelajaran. InsyaAllah panjang umur aku kan melangkah ke alam tahun 3 di Leeds. Runsing juga memikirkan dugaan dan cabaran yang bakal menyapa. But I chose this road, and I'm willing to be soaked in blood to get through this.

Cuti Summer menjelang tiba~ 3 bulan- tiap kali kusebutkat tempoh cuti ini, secara refleks semua orang akan mengatakan perkara yang sama, "paaanjanggnyeeeee". Iye, memang. aku x pernah nafikan. tetapi kepanjangan cuti ini juga membawa bersama dugaan dan cabaran, bukan sekadar kesenangan dan kerehatan.

I have to face it. we all should face it. time is valueable. we're not kids anymore. masa terluang bukan hanya untuk berehat2 bergurau senda. It will run out, eventually. and the challenge is to make the best out of it. I would really love to look back at the end of this long period of holiday and smile knowing that I spend it well and I spent it wisely. Almost all of my holidays, to date, at the end of it i felt quite regretful not having it spent in the right-ish way. Im taking the time off from UK & uni environment to try and reassess myself. tambah mana yang kurang. kurangkan yang terlebih. betulkan mana yang masih silap. kukuhkan yang sudah betul.

hoping for the best. hoping for a shift of paradigm, hoping to change into a better person... for myself, and for others.

change is hard. but hard is not impossible.
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