Friday, August 13, 2010

Forgive me friends... cause im so lousy

might just be me, but i never consider myself as being any good at friendship

forgive me friends
for when i see you make mistakes
i chose to keep quiet
i chose to not advice you
as i fear for the friendship
but how wrong was i
true friends do not hesitate to give advice
if that's what's needed to make improvements
although it might cost the very friendship

forgive me friend
for when i make mistakes
i expect you to keep quiet
and burst in anger if you give me advice
although i know that's what i need
although i'm sure i'm better off with it
for this, forgive me

forgive me friends
as i expect you to always be by my side
and always support me in what i do
but i am not always by your side
and often in silence, stab you in the back
for that, please do forgive me

forgive me friends
for i expect you to always tell the truth
as i know that friendship do not grow with lies
but i sometimes do the same
without hesitation, without shame
for that, i beg you to forgive me

forgive me friends
for wanting you to back me in my sad moments
but be by you only on your happy ones
for this, i'm ashamed, and i ask for your forgiveness

with all my flaws
i ask for forgiveness
as i did my best
but my best wasn't good enough
so i wander around
in search for strength
to change to improve, for the better
and i found the source, clear as ever
it is in you friends, that i gain it

**happy fasting~ Ramadhan mode =)

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