Friday, December 12, 2008

1 out of... 15?

yesterday was the last day of school for the first term... by assuming that my 5 years of study will consist of 3 terms annually, there should be ummm..... 14? (trying to stress that i've not been crunching numbers for quite) 15 terms altogether... so that's one out of 15.

to me, the first is always one of the hardest. it's because of the adaptations required to get to the (at least) minimal required pace to keep on surviving. and overcoming the emotional distress... i'm aware that the workload will be increasing exponentially from now on, and my assumption that the first term as the hardest one could probably be proven wrong~

"yes i studied hard for the exam, ask my housemates"

moving on to the EMQ** exam. as the final holiday "present" for us, we had an exam on the last day. the best part is the fact that there's another test (an MCQ this time) on the first day of next term. it's just another conspiracy to impose in our minds that there's no "free" time for us medic students. i think they get sheer enjoyment by making us think about the exam all-holiday long~ not to mention the double essay to be handed in in the 2nd week~ procrastination kills!!!

anyways, the so-called "exam" was done in a very trusting environment, as we got to seat in groups of 5. i found it pretty hard to prevent myself from peeking at other people's answer as we were literally sitting right next to each other XD.

we then had a feedback session after the exam, on the same day. i think it should be called "did u answer correctly or not?" session as it was the disscussion session for the test we just took. if i remembered my answers correctly, i think i did quite well (maybe because i kept on peeking to other people's paper? who knows XD).

so i got to start my holiday with a wwwwwwwwwwiiiiiiiiiiiiddddddddddddeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee smile on my face (i.e. d^_____________________^b ), but bearing in mind that there's another paper after the holiday~

" uhh, yeah. the other day i was playing with my pal's iPhone and found this very cute pic of a white cat with very BIG eyes (not this one, duuhh). so i downloaded it without even asking for permission XD, can't help it~ the power that cats have over me, just so overwhelming~"

that's that! best of luck to those with impending exam~ work hard... and don't forget to pray harder~


Extended matching items/questions (EMI or EMQ) are a written examination format similar multiple choice questions but with one key difference, that they test knowledge in a far more applied, in depth, sense.

It is often used in medical education and other healthcare subject areas to test diagnostic reasoning. (grabbed from Wikipedia)

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